Apr-03-2021 Risk assessment
On April 8, 2021, the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) opened a public consultation on the criteria for conducting Pesticide Residue Studies and for the es...
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On April 8, 2021, the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) opened a public consultation on the criteria for conducting Pesticide Residue Studies and for the establishment of Maximum Residue Limits (MRL). The proposal intends to adopt the most recent opinion from the international scenario to the national territory, ensuring a continuous improvement in the quality of pesticide residue’ evaluation.
The main keys can be summarized as follow:
Increases the number of field trials from 4 to 8, with the possibility that half of the trials come from other countries (decreases calculation uncertainty)
Use of the principle of proportionality to extrapolate the result of studies for the MLR establishment
Turns mandatory the studies’ data be registered on ANVISA’s data bank for inclusion or change into MLR
Define criteria for inclusion on monographs the conformities for MLR and risk assessment
Adopts international homogenization tools
Establish the standard MLR of ≤ 0,01 mg/kg in case of new substances and farming crops
The interested public can send contributions from April 15, 2021, to June 16, 2021, using this form.
Further information is available on ANVISA’s webpage.
Last update: 2021-04-03
Read LessMar-31-2021 Chemical inventory Chemical notification/ registration Brazil
The Law Bill 6.120/2019 is in possession of the Environment and Sustainable Development Commission (CMADS) of the Deputies’ Chamber since early December 2019, aiming to create the National Inven...
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The Law Bill 6.120/2019 is in possession of the Environment and Sustainable Development Commission (CMADS) of the Deputies’ Chamber since early December 2019, aiming to create the National Inventory of Chemical Substances in order to consolidate an information base on chemical substances produced or imported into the country.
After 15 months long waited, the legislation received a designated rapporteur only in March 2021 and had a five-meeting deadline for amendments established. After CMADS, the bill has three more commissions to go before enters into force. The Law Bill 6.120/2019 is expected to pave the way for a national chemical policy.
The proposal is part of the country’s ambition to develop a sound management of chemicals, given the international trend. On a regional context, Chile was the first country in Latin America to publish guidelines for its national inventory back in February 2021.
Last update: 2021-03-31
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Brazil is the world’s largest user of pesticides and has been the market for many agrochemical companies. The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA), ...
Brazil is the world’s largest user of pesticides and has been the market for many agrochemical companies. The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA), agency responsible for toxicological assessment, submitted several modification proposals regarding pesticides and their residues. Such proposals are open to public consultation with different deadlines. Propose / Changes Monographic Index Name CAS # Cultivation MRL (mg/kg) SI (days) ARfD (mg/kg) of body weight Purpose Beta-cypermethrin 65731-84-2 Millet 0.05 14 - - Sorghum 1.00 14 - - Fluazinam 79622-59-6 Peanuts, chickpeas and lentils 0.1 - - - Peas and cowpea 0.1 - - - Soy 0.02 - 0.07 - Iprodione 36734-19-7 Oat 2 5 Foliar Barley 2 - NA - Cypermethrin 52315-07-8 Sweet potatoes, yacon potatoes, beets, yams, carrots, peas, beans, ginger, chickpeas, yams, lentils, parsnips, turnips, and radishes - 14 - Foliar Peanuts - 14 0.04 - Beans, chickpeas, and lentils 0.05 - - Yacon potatoes, yams, peas, turnips, and radishes 0.05 - - Trifloxystrobin 141517-21-7 Coconut 0.01 1 - Foliar Pumpkin 0.02 1 NA Foliar Amicarbazone 129909-90-6 Pasture NFU NFU 0,1 Pre-emergence Piroxasulfona 447399-55-5 Peanuts, potatoes, barley and sunflower 0,02 NA - Pre-emergence Tabacco NFU NFU Isoxaflutole 141112-29-0 Cotton - NA NA Pre and pos-emergence Lufenuron 103055-07-8 Cotton - 14 - - Beans 21 Corn 35 Soy 21 Neochrysocharis formosa - Included as a new organism Bifenthrin 82657-04-3 Cotton 0,06 - - - Acerola, blackberry, cocoa, cupuaçu, raspberry, guarana, kiwi, passion fruit, blueberry, strawberry, cherry and pomegranate 0,01 14 0,01 Foliar Methomyl 16752-77-5 Avocado, cocoa, cupuaçu, guaraná, kiwi, papaya, 0,01 14 - Foliar mango, passion fruit, melon, watermelon and pomegranate Acerola, blackberry, raspberry, blueberry, strawberry and pitanga 0,015 S-metolachlor 87392-12-9 Sorghum 0,01 NA - Pre-emergence MRL - Maximum residue level; SI - Safety interval; ARfD - Acute Reference Dose; NA - not applicable; NFU - Non-food use Further, the agency published on March 17, 2021, on the official gazette the new adoptions for 12 agrochemicals: Changes Monographic Index Name CAS # Cultivation MRL (mg/kg) SI (days) ARfD (mg/kg) of body weight Purpose Deltamethrin 52918-63-5 Sorghum 1 30 - Storage 1 - - Application Teflubenzuron 83121-18-0 Peppers, eggplant, scarlet eggplant, okra and pepper 0,15 7 NA - Aminopyralid 150114-71-9 Sugar cane 0,01 NA 0,26 Pre and post-emergence Methomyl 16752-77-5 Forage cactus NFU NFU 0,02 Foliar Bixafen 581809-46-3 Beans 0,07 15 0,2 Foliar Thiophanate-methyl 23564-05-8 Ornamental plants NFU NFU - Foliar Clothianidin 210880-92-5 Corn - 21 0,6 Foliar Diflubenzuron 35367-38-5 Cotton, corn and soy 0,3 - NA - Phosphine 7803-51-2 Soybean meal 0,01 - NA - Azoxystrobin 131860-33-8 Chard, watercress, almond, chicory, spinach, stevia, 1 7 - Foliar Duboisia NFU NFU - Foliar Mancozeb 8018-01-7 Rye and barley 1,5 32 - Foliar Millet 0,4 30 - Foliar Caupi beans, fava beans, guandu beans, mungo beans 0,3 14 - Foliar Cotton 1,5 - - Foliar Wheat, oats and barley 1,5 - - Foliar Isofetamid 875915-78-9 Included as a new substance MRL - Maximum residue level; SI - Safety interval; ARfD - Acute Reference Dose; NA - not applicable; NFU – Non-food use The country has been breaking the annual pesticide registration record since 2016. In 2020 alone, 493 new registrations were made. Besides de country be the largest consumer, it is the main market for highly hazardous pesticides (HPP). The activity can be seen as a continuation of the revision tasks started in February 2021, and present a strong link with the new National Fertilizer Plan proposal, scheduled for the 2nd or 3rd quarter. Interested parties have 60 days (counted from the publication) to submit suggestions by e-mail cp.toxicologia@anvisa.gov.br. Further information is available on ANVISA’s webpage. last update: 2021-03-31
mustard, arugula,
The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) has been submitting several proposals of the country’s agrochemical standards to the WTO in February. All of the modification proposals are op...
The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) has been submitting several proposals of the country’s agrochemical standards to the WTO in February. All of the modification proposals are open to public consultation until April 4th, 2021. These proposals can be seen as a part of the National Fertilizer Plan and the country’s determination to enhance registration of pesticides. Most of WTO notifications are related to the modification of Maximum Residue Limit (MRL), Safety Interval (SI), and Acute Reference Dose (ARfD). The correlation of chemicals and modifications is displayed in the following table. Monographic Index Name CAS # Propose Tebuconazole 107534-96-3 Include coconut cultivation with MRL of 0.01mg/kg and a 1-day safety interval (foliar application) Trifluralin 1582-09-8 Include peas, cowpea, chickpeas and lentils, with MRLs of 0.05 mg/kg and oats, rye and triticale with MRLs of 0.01 mg /k, both in a pre-emergency application, thus no safety interval defined. Deltamethrin 52918-63-5 MRL change from 0.05 to 1.0 mg/kg in sorghum culture; inclusion for rice, beans, corn and wheat, with safety interval not determined Methoxyfenozide 161050-58-4 Soil application for sugar cane cultivation, MRL of 0.03 mg/kg, and acute reference dose of 0.9 mg/kg Spinetoram 187166-40-1 Soil application for sugar cane cultivation, MRL of 0.01 mg/kg, and undefined safety interval S-metolachlor 87392-12-9 Inclusion of non-agricultural use, in pre-emergence, along fences, fire breaks, roadsides, pipelines, railways and strip under high voltage power transmission lines Metribuzim 21087-64-9 Inclusion of non-agricultural use, in pre-emergence, along fences, fire breaks, roadsides, pipelines, railways and strip under high voltage power transmission lines Glyphosate 1071-83-6 Inclusion of açaí, Brazil nuts, macadamia, pinhão, pupunha, with MRL of 0.1 mg/kg and safety interval of 15 days; other cultivation modifications Acetamiprid 135410-20-7 Inform MRL and safety interval as "Non-food use" for pasture, in foliar application. Acute reference dose 0.025mg/kg of body weight Propaquizafop 111479-05-1 Acceptable Daily Intake 0.015mg/kg of body weight; Acute Reference Dose not applicable Abscisic acid 21293-29-8 Include rice culture with MRL and safety interval not determined in a foliar application; Acute Reference Dose not determined Flupyradifurone 951659-40-8 Inclusion of coffee, melon, cucumber, pepper and tomato crops, maintaining the MRL and IS currently approved for the respective crops for soil application Zeta-cypermethrin 52315-07-8 Inclusion sweet potatoes, beets, carrots, ginger, yams, parsnips, turnips and radishes cultivation with MRLs of 0.05 mg/kg and safety interval of 7 days for foliar application; Acute Reference Dose of 0.04mg/kg of body weight Saflufenacil 372137-35-4 Inclusion of millet and sorghum crops, with MRL of 0.01 mg/kg and oats, barley and triticale, with MRL of 0.01mg/kg, both with safety interval not defined because of pre-emergency application Protioconazole 178928-70-6 Include corn crop in seeds modality, with safety internal not determined due to the type of use Cymoxanil 57966-95-7 Include the soybean crop, with MRL of 0.01 mg/kg and a safety Interval of 30 days for foliar application Flutriafol 76674-21-0 Change the MRL for onion culture from 0.1 mg/kg to 0.2 mg/kg Profenofos 41198-08-7 Inclusion of cowpea, fava beans, chickpeas and lentils with MRL of 0.1 mg/kg and a safety interval of 14 days for foliar application Beta-cyfluthri 68359-37-5 Change the MRL from 0.1 to 0.3 mg/kg and the safety interval from 21 to 3 days for the citrus crop, and change the MRL from 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg for the tomato crop Carfentrazone-ethyl 128639-02-1 Changing the safety interval from 30 to 7 days for the soybean crop in the desiccation mode, maintaining the currently approved MRL Fluazifop-P 83066-88-0 Change MRL for beans from 1 mg/kg to 7 mg/kg and the safety interval remains of 60 days; Defines methodology for conformity The agency also included de following chemicals/organisms in the list of the active ingredients of pesticides, household cleaning products and wood preservatives: Monographic Index Name CAS # Neoseiulus barkeri - 1-Tetradecanol 112-72-1 Z,E-7,9,11-Dodecatrienyl Formate 146321-32-6 7-Dodecen-1-ol 16677-06-8 Thiencarbazone-methyl 317815-83-1 Alpha-cypermethrin 67375-30-8 Chlorothalonil 1897-45-6 Among the substances highlighted previously, only C58 and C18 underwent changes in cultivations, of which are summarized as Monographic Index Name CAS # Alteration Alpha-cypermethrin 67375-30-8 The SI for 14 days in the cotton culture and the MRL for 0.15 mg/kg; include peanut culture with 15 days SI and MRLs of 0.05 mg/kg; change the SI for 14 days in the rice culture and the MRL for 2.0 mg/kg; change the SI in the potato culture for 3 days; include in the culture of sugarcane the foliar use modality with SI of 189 days; change the SI in the bean culture for 15 days and change the SIS in the tomato culture for 1 day; Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) = 0.02 mg / kg of body weight; ARfD = 0.04 mg/kg of body weight. Chlorothalonil 1897-45-6 Cultures of broccoli, kale, Chinese kale, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, with MRLs of 0.5 mg/kg and SI for 7 days, sweet potatoes, yacon-potatoes, beets, yams, ginger, yams, cassava, parsnips, turnips and radishes, with MRLs of 0, 2 mg/kg and 7 day SI; include pea, cowpea, chickpea and lentil crops with 2.0 mg/kg MRL and 14 days SI; all with foliar application. The chemical is can be also used to cultivate duboisia for non-food use. The method for conformity is defined. Interested parties can submit suggestions by e-mail cp.toxicologia@anvisa.gov.br using this form. Update: 2021-02-20
Jan-12-2021 Labelling risk assessment active ingredient
On January 4th, 2021, the Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) addendum, concerning the active substance Glyphosate (G01), entered into force. The resolution RDC 441/2020 applies...
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On January 4th, 2021, the Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) addendum, concerning the active substance Glyphosate (G01), entered into force. The resolution RDC 441/2020 applies to all technical and formulated products registered or to be registered in Brazil. The resolution defines:
In addition to the changes, the resolution determines that package inserts and labels shall be revisited to include information on the use of drift reduction technology in the following cases:
Companies have 180 days from the publication of the resolution to update package inserts and labels.
Manufacturers and users must pay special attention to the regulation to ensure compliance and avoid unnecessary exposure.
Source: WTO Notification
Update: 2021-01-12
Read LessNov-03-2020 Brazil Toy Regulation
On June 24th 2020 the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia – INMETRO) published Directive 217/2020and this Directive ...
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On June 24th 2020 the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia – INMETRO) published Directive 217/2020and this Directive is intended to revise two other Directives, and amends:
Important deadlines in Directive 563/2016 were, among others:
The Brazilian government has notified The World Trade Organization (WTO) in July 2020. The modification is intended to determine whether toys fulfill requirements, focus on safety and accident prevention, through third parties certification.
All toys must be certified by a certification agent recognized by the INMETRO’s General Coordination for Accreditation (Coordenação Geral de Acreditação - CGCRE).
The INMETRO 217/2020 can be accessed here.
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Brazil's National Chemical Safety Commission, Conasq, has approved a draft law for the industrial chemicals sector, paving the way for enactment by April.
Brazil's National Chemical Safety Commission, Conasq, has approved a draft law for the industrial chemicals sector, paving the way for enactment by April.
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