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Regulatory Registration Services in Europe


Representation Services offered by GPC includes Only Representative, Authorized Representative, Third Party Representative, and Responsible Person. GPC is one of the largest Representation Service Providers and it provides cost-effective Representation Services to over 900 companies from over 27 countries and represents over 8000 substances.

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GPC has extensive experience of working with chemicals, cosmetics, dyes & pigments, Food chemicals, flavors and fragrances, agro-chemicals, APIs and pharma sectors. We have facilitated registration of these substances in different countries within respective regulations. GPC’s Expert team of chemists, toxicologists, Eco toxicologists and risk assessment professionals offer a full range of registration services, including interaction with authorities, advising, preparation of relevant dossiers and applications, finalizing submissions and post submission support. We provide qualified service in preparing full technical and member dossiers in IUCLID software. The service also includes deciding on substance identification, cost sharing discussions, letter of access (LoA), collecting all relevant documents on behalf of clients such as Chemical Safety Assessment Report, and letter of Access (LoA), Reimbursements of LOA as and when applicable.

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GPC provides qualified service of authoring Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) in accordance with Global Harmonized System (GHS) and regulations based upon GHS by various countries and regions for the chemical substances and preparations. We provide SDS authoring for over 35 Countries in their local Languages and English. A sixteen-chapter SDS authoring includes substance specific information, classification, labelling and packaging of substance, first aid measures, fire-fighting measures, toxicological and phys-chem properties, relevant exposure scenario of the substance, regulatory information and transport regulation requirement of the substance. Typically, an SDS authoring is completed within seven working days.

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GPC has developed systems and tools to efficiently perform due diligence via document verification and inspections and issue compliance certificates. Compliance certification is frequently required by the buyer so that it can continue to trade with a particular supplier and GPC does various checks and in case there are gaps it first facilitates supplier to fulfill the gaps and then issues the certificate. GPC has reviewed respective regulatory requirements for target country and has issued compliance statements and certificates to over 3000 downstream users of about 1000 clients.

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Substance Assessment is required for companies to confer with various inclusion lists, watch lists and exclusion lists. Its very important that such assessment is done by an independent third party to ensure an unbiased assessment and to avoid any conflict of interest. The Downstream uses and other consumers of such information also associates greater reliance on independent assessments. SSS regularly performs such assessments and issues relevant certificates to the Client or Downstream users.

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GPC coordinates with a network of reputed CROs (OECD-GLP Certified), wherein we manage studies on behalf of external clients, take study contracts and do full study coordination and monitoring on behalf of the sponsor, in a more cost-effective and time-efficient manner. We have facilitated several EU and Asian clients in this manner. We can facilitate following studies, in addition to substance identification, stability and homogeneity studies, from the OECD/GLP compliant laboratories.

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The cosmetic products which are being placed on the market should be notified and complied according to the regulation requirements. GPC has expertise in providing full service as per the regulatory requirements for cosmetic products.

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