GHS Report

Switzerland is not a member of the EU or the European Economic Area (EEA) and all new substances must be notified, registered and/or declared in Switzerland before they are placed on the market. This is so even if they are already registered in the EU under REACH, have to be registered according to the Swiss Ordinance on Protection against Dangerous Substances and Preparations (Chemicals Ordinance; ChemO, SR 813.11, 4th Revision).

Switzerland has moved towards implementation of REACH through partial revision of the Swiss Chemical Ordinance on February 1, 2009. Switzerland has decided to move toward Reach implementation. The partial revision of the Swiss Chemicals Ordinance (ChemO, RS 813.11) came into force on February 1, 2009.



Swiss Ordinance on Chemical Products: New Amendments for 2024


The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), in collaboration with the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) and the State Secretariat for Eco...

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Switzerland revises the Biocidal Products Ordinance


In November 2023 the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) published a revision of the Biocidal Products Ordinance. The revision implements...

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