GHS Report

Chile became the first country in Latin America to impose a national chemical regulation in February 2021. Chile’s Ministry of Health released Decree 57 and its implementing Resolution 777/2021, Regulation on Classification, Labeling, and Notification of Hazardous Chemicals and Mixtures on February 9, 2021, which formally implements GHS labelling for chemical products. 

The new legislation targets chemical substances and hazardous mixtures, of MINSAL-MMA. It considers the development of a system for the notification of substances and their prioritization to implement risk assessment to a selection of them, subsequent to their manufacture and/or importation. Notifiers are requested to provide information on chemicals when dealing with 1 ton per year or above via the environmental authority portal. The notification is made on a biennial basis concerning the import or produced quantity every two years with the deadline on August 30th. On December 2024 it is predicted the Authority will publish the chemical inventory and the second notification deadline will be on the 30th of August 2026.

Decree 57 also outlines the compulsory compliance of GHS in the country, a standard until then has been voluntary. 




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