GHS Report
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Brazil Chemical Inventory Information


Law No. 15,022/2024 came into force on November 14, 2024, to establish a comprehensive framework for the safe management of chemicals in Brazil. The law is aligned with international standards such as the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and applies to all manufacturers and importers who handle chemicals in quantities exceeding 1 tonne per year. It requires them to report detailed information on the substances they manufacture or import.  

Implementation Timeline: 

  • Initial Phase: The Brazilian government has 180 days from the enactment of the law to implement its provisions counting from the date of publication. Digital infrastructure Development Phase:  The authorities will have a maximum of 3 years from date of the publication of Law 15,022/2024 to develop and adapt the computer system necessary to implement the National Inventory of Chemical Substances.  

  • Registration Period: Once the National Inventory is operational, manufacturers and importers will have a three-year window to register their existing chemical substances.  

  • Annual Updates: After initial registration, companies will be required to submit annual updates of their registered data by March 31 of the following year to reflect any changes in production volumes, uses, or other relevant information.  

Key Provisions: 

  • Confidentiality Protections: Companies may claim confidentiality for trade secrets and proprietary information, such as chemical formulations, subject to validation by regulatory authorities to ensure transparency and data protection. 

  • Regulatory Categorization: 

  • Listed Chemicals: These substances are pre-approved for use, provided they adhere to compliance measures such as GHS-based labelling, preparation of Safety Data Sheets (SDS), and adherence to specified exposure and safety limits. Listed substances are monitored to ensure ongoing compliance with environmental and occupational safety standards. 

  • Non-Listed Chemicals: Substances not included in the initial list must undergo a formal process of notification, hazard classification, and regulatory approval before entering the market. This process includes a risk assessment to ensure the chemical is safe for human health and the environment. 

  • Data Submission and Reporting: The law mandates the creation of a national chemical inventory, which requires manufacturers and importers to submit detailed data on the properties, uses, and safety measures of their substances. This inventory supports risk assessments and helps policymakers address emerging chemical risks. 

  • Alignment with Global Standards: The law's focus on GHS compliance ensures compatibility with international regulations, facilitating trade and improving chemical safety practices in Brazil. 

Law No. 15,022/2024 marks a significant advancement in Brazil's regulatory landscape, filling long-standing gaps in chemical oversight. It promotes a safer industrial and commercial chemical environment by ensuring better hazard communication, improved risk management, and alignment with global best practices. By introducing transitional provisions and confidentiality safeguards, the law provides industry with a structured path toward compliance while maintaining a commitment to public health and environmental safety. 
