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Norway Reach Regulation for Various Sectors

Producers and importers of hazardous substances and mixtures to the Norwegian market have to follow the Regulations on declaration of chemicals to the product register (declaration regulations), enforced on June 1, 2015. Applicants need to submit information to Norwegian Environment Agency (NEA) before they place the products. Applicants also have the duty to notify (PCN) to the European Chemical Agency (ECHA).

Businesses producing or importing 100 kg or more of a chemical substance are to declare their products, where the registration must take place by the latest when manufacture, market placement, or professional use begins in Norway. 

NEA is the responsible unit administrating the Product Register, the official register of hazardous chemicals in Norway. It is necessary that the registration shall be made via the Norwegian Product Register webpage.  


The annual monitoring fee, rather than a declaration fee, is NOK 820 for each of the first 100 chemicals subject to the declaration, and for chemicals above it is NOK 135 per chemical additionally. An annual fee limit of NOK 110,000 is placed for the individual business, i.e. producer or importer, regardless of the total number of chemicals registered. However, chemicals classified only regarding fire, explosion or oxidation hazard are not subject to a fee. 

Businesses producing or importing 100 kg or more of a chemical substance are to declare their products, where the registration must take place by the latest when manufacture, market placement, or professional use begins in Norway. 


Aside from the company information, the following materials must also be provided: 

  • unambiguous chemical name for all chemical substances in the substance mixture; 

  • CAS no. and EC No.; 

  • code for hazard class and hazard category as well as code for hazard statements according to CLP; 

  • the amount of each component expressed as %weight. 


Note that the enterprise number of the first Norwegian customer as the first recipients in Norway must be stated in the registration by entering the Norwegian business number/ enterprise number. After registration succeeds, a set of substance/registration numbers is given, which is to be provided to customers. 

Meanwhile, importers and downstream users of chemicals classified as health or physical hazard must then inform the Norwegian Poison Information Centre (NPIC) by ECHAs PCN portal starting from Jan. 1st, 2021, described in article 45 of the CLP Regulation and Annex VIII to CLP for detailed requirements. 

The annual deadline for quantities report is Mar. 15th, where annual quantities of chemicals processed must be reported for the entire previous year in unit tons, including chemicals discontinued during the previous year.  

However, the deadline for 2021 is now postponed to May 20th, 2022, due to the portal development from Jan. to Mar. 15th, 2022, as stated in the Regulation for the declaration to the Product Register. 


For importers and downstream users placing mixtures on the market not notified under national legislation have to comply with the requirements in CLP Annex VIII from the following dates:  

  • Mixtures for consumer use and mixtures for professional use: from Jan. 1st, 2021. 

  • Mixtures for industrial use: from Jan. 1st, 2024. 


Mixtures registered in the Norwegian Product Register before these timelines already, i.e. notified under national requirements, are covered by a transitional period as set in Annex VIII with no further compliance obligation until Jan. 1st, 2025, except in specified cases such as changes in the mixture composition, product identifier or toxicological properties, etc. 

As an importer having a detailed profile of chemicals entering the Norwegian market, a declaration of chemicals applies.  

However, as for individual business who does not wish to disclose such Confidential Business Information (CBI) as mixture composition, etc., to their customers, it is yet another option to register the substances via the Electronic System for Declaration of Chemicals (ESDC), in which case the application form shall be submitted to

The registration via ESDC charges no additional fees when submitting composition only. A set of identification number is given when the registration is complete, which is required for the Norwegian customers for further reference when carrying out registrations. 


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