2023-06-16 Reference source : ECHA
On 14 June 2023, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) added two chemicals to the Candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC).
SVHCs are substances that can have serious and often irreversible effects on human health and the environment. A substance that is identified as an SVHC will be added to the Candidate List for eventual addition to the Authorisation list. With the new additions the Candidate list now has 235 entries, some are groups of chemicals, so the overall number of impacted chemicals is higher. The Authorisation list has 59 entries. If a substance is on the Authorisation list, its use is prohibited unless the European Commission grants authorisation for continued use.
The first new substance is diphenyl(2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl)phosphine oxide (TPO) which is identified as toxic to reproduction in accordance with Article 57(c) of the REACH Regulation. TPO is primarily used in inks and toners but also in a wide range of products such as photo-chemicals, adhesives, sealants, and polymers. Between 10,000 and 100,000 tonnes are manufactured or imported in the European Economic Area (EEA) every year.
The second new substance is bis(4-chlorophenyl) sulphone (BCPS) which is a very Persistent and very Bio-accumulative (vPVB) substance according to Article 57(e) of the REACH Regulation. BCPS is used industrially to produce polymers, rubbers, and other chemicals. It is manufactured and imported in the EEA in the range of 10,000 to 100,000 tonnes per year.
Under REACH there are legal obligations when it comes to substances in the Candidate List:
Suppliers must give their customers and consumers information if their articles contain more than 0.1 % (weight by weight) of a Candidate List substance.
Consumers have the right to ask suppliers whether their products contain SVHCs. Suppliers of substances on the Candidate List, either on their own or in mixtures, have to provide a Safety Data Sheet to their customers.
Importers and producers of articles that contain a substance from the Candidate List must notify ECHA within six months from the date the substance has been added to the List.
Furthermore, under the Waste Framework Directive, companies have to notify ECHA if the articles they produce contain SVHCs in a concentration above 0.1 % (weight by weight).
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