GHS Report

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GPC - Global Product Compliance

PFCA to be banned in the European Union

2023-02-24 Reference source : ECHA

Chemical industry Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability EU chemicals strategy Product restrictions / prohibitions

Starting from February 25th, certain perfluorocarboxylic acids (C9-C14 PFCAs), which are a subgroup of PFAS, will be restricted throughout the European Union. After this date, PFCAs cannot be used in most applications or placed on the market, although some uses have been granted longer transition periods. The aim of the restriction is to reduce or prevent exposure of people and the environment to PFCAs, while also avoiding the substitution of PFOA, which has been banned globally since July 2020. The EU's goal of phasing out all non-essential uses of PFAS under the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability is being met with this measure.

The list of substances under restriction is available here:

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from ECHA.
