2022-08-07 Reference source : European Chemicals Agency
Chemical notification/ registration ECHA EU REACH
Companies that downgrade the tonnage band in their registrations after ECHA’s draft decision will need to prove the volume of their substance.
ECHA has updated the rules on tonnage bands for dossier evaluation. If a downgrade in the tonnage band draft decision on the company’s dossier provided by ECHA a company downgrades its tonnage band, it will now have to show the proof for the new tonnage band.
On the 27th of July ECHA announced that they will take into consideration any changes for tonnage bands made by companies in their dossiers. This means that after ECHA’s draft decision on a company’s dossier, it will now be required to communicate to ECHA the changes made to the dossier regarding tonnage bands and update their dossiers. In case of a downgrade in tonnage bands, it is furthermore required to provide proof showing the volume of the imported or manufactured substance for the previous year.
When the adopted dossier evaluation decision is communicated to companies no further changes are allowed and the companies are expected to fulfil all information requirements as per the decision.
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