2022-06-10 Reference source : ECHA
Chemical authorisation Chemical notification/ registration SVHC
On the 10th of June 2022, ECHA added an entry on n-(hydroxymethyl)acrylamide (NMA) to the REACH candidate list. This addition was done due to the carcinogenic and genotoxic properties of the chemical, posing possible threats to cause cancer or genetic defects.
Adding this to Annex XIV authorization list means companies will have to apply and obtain permission to continue using NMA. This chemical is mostly used in polymers and also used in manufacturing other chemicals, textiles, leather and fur products. NMA was also proposed in Sweden for an SVHC identification due to its classification for carcinogenicity 1B and germ cell mutagenicity 1B.
Henceforth, importers and producers of articles have to notify ECHA if their article contains NMA. The notification should be done within six months, counting from June 10, 2022. Suppliers of substances on the candidate list also have to provide their clients with a safety data sheet (SDS). As a supplier of articles containing a candidate list substance that is above a concentration of 0.1% (weight by weight), you must provide your clients and consumers with adequate information about the safe use of such articles. You must also notify ECHA about substances of very high concern (SVHC), to the Substances of Concern in Products (SCIP) database that is under the waste framework directive.
With this new addition, the candidate list now consists of 224 substances. Other substances on the list are potential names to be placed on the Authorization List. This implies that the use of these substances might be prohibited someday unless an application for authorization is submitted by any of the concerned companies. The process does not end there until the European Commission authorizes the continued use of the concerned regulated substance.
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