2022-05-11 Reference source : ECHA
Restricted use SVHCs Bisphenol A
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), together with the Member States reviewed a group of 148 bisphenols, of which 38 bisphenols have potential reprotoxic or hormonal effects.
Bisphenols are commonly known as endocrine disrupters for human health and the environment. Endocrine disrupters are slow to break down in the environment and it causes adverse effects on human health. According to ECHA, bisphenols are mostly used in manufacturing polymers or polymer resins, thermal paper, adhesives, textiles, and paper.
Since bisphenols are widely used, the recommendation is to enact a group restriction as the best way to manage the risks posed by the 30 bisphenols. Before now, three bisphenols have been identified as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC). These chemicals are bisphenol A, bisphenol B, and 2,2-bis(4'-hydroxyphenyl)-4-methylpentane. For other group members in bisphenol, there is a need to generate more data before confirming the endocrine-disrupting and reprotoxic properties.
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