ECHA added new updates in the Guidance on Registration in August 2021. The new updated version of the guidance document offers advanced support to the companies with their registration obligations.
The Guidance on Registration was first published in June 2007 and since then, it has been revised 9 times. The updated Guidance extends information on notification of a cease of manufacture or import and added a new section explaining when the registration of a substance is no longer valid.
Another important aspect is the alignment with the Guidance on data sharing. Joint submission of data was previously mentioned in the Guidance on data sharing, now ECHA added a section (Section 4.3) on joint submission.
Now, the guidance document is associated with two European Commission implementing regulations – one on the “registration and data sharing of phase-in substances” after the final registration deadline, and the other on “updates of registration dossiers”.
The new version explains how the registration process will proceed as pre-registrations are no longer valid. It also suggests to companies how to calculate the tonnage band they are registered for. Also, this Guidance is helpful for the companies to decide when they need to update their REACH registrations.
For more inquiries, please contact compliance@gpcregulatory.com.
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