ECHA chemical authorisation SVHC
On April 14, 2021, ECHA recommends for the European Commission to add seven substances to the Authorisation List (Annex XIV of REACH). Once on the list, companies will need to apply for authorisation to continue using them.
The seven substances are:
The European Commission together with the EU Member States and the European Parliament will take the final decision to include these substances of very high concern (SVHCs) in the Authorisation List. After the decision is published, the date by when companies will need to apply to ECHA for authorisation to continue using the substances will also be announced.
The reason why the cyclosiloxanes D4, D5 and D6 were prioritized by EACH from the Candidate List is that they are hazardous and are usually produced in high volumes and widely used. Some uses of the cyclosiloxanes are already restricted or in the process of being restricted in consumer products and in most professional uses under REACH. The cyclosiloxanes have been prioritised for inclusion in the Authorisation List as some of their uses, for example, industrial production of electronics and some professional uses such as dry-cleaning in closed systems, are not covered by the restriction activities.
Terphenyl, hydrogenated is used as a heat transfer fluid mainly in industrial installations as well as in adhesives, sealants, coatings, inks and paints and can also be found in some plastic articles.
For substances DCHP, disodium octaborate and TMA, they are recommended to be in the Authorisation List because there are similar chemical structures that can be used.
Last update: 2021-04-14
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