GHS Report

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Brazil: The National Inventory of Chemical Substances is a step ahead

2021-03-31 Reference source : -

Chemical inventory Chemical notification/ registration Brazil

The Law Bill 6.120/2019 is in possession of the Environment and Sustainable Development Commission (CMADS) of the Deputies’ Chamber since early December 2019, aiming to create the National Inventory of Chemical Substances in order to consolidate an information base on chemical substances produced or imported into the country. 

After 15 months long waited, the legislation received a designated rapporteur only in March 2021 and had a five-meeting deadline for amendments established. After CMADS, the bill has three more commissions to go before enters into force. The Law Bill 6.120/2019 is expected to pave the way for a national chemical policy. 

The proposal is part of the country’s ambition to develop a sound management of chemicals, given the international trend. On a regional context, Chile was the first country in Latin America to publish guidelines for its national inventory back in February 2021. 


Last update: 2021-03-31


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