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GPC - Global Product Compliance

DEFRA Extends Deadline of Public Consultation on Alternative Transitional Registration Model ATRm

2024-06-24 Reference source : DEFRA

Deadline Public Consultation UK-REACH Alternative Transitional Registration model ATRm

The UK government has extended the deadline of the public consultation on proposals to amend the current transitional provisions under UK-REACH by introducing an Alternative Transitional Registration model (ATRm) until 25 July 2024. Launched on 16 May 2024, the consultation seeks to gather stakeholder opinions on proposed changes to the UK-REACH framework, aiming to reduce costs for businesses transitioning from the EU- REACH regime while maintaining health and environmental protections.


Key Proposals to Improve UK-REACH

Key proposals include reducing duplication, speeding up decision-making, and introducing measures to minimize animal testing. The consultation also addresses changes to the restriction and reporting processes and assesses impacts on trade.

Stakeholders, particularly those from chemical businesses and related sectors, are encouraged to participate and provide their views. The feedback will inform future legislative changes, supported by a Statutory Instrument and impact assessment, to be introduced after a second consultation.


For more information and to participate, visit the Defra website here.

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from DEFRA.
