GHS Report

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GPC - Global Product Compliance

UK Government Notifies WTO of New Packaging and Recycling Regulation

2024-05-30 Reference source : WTO

EPR for packaging materials Recycle

On 1 May 2024, the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) notified the World Trade Organization (WTO) of the draft Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging and Packaging Waste) Regulations 2024, which aims to improve recycling and waste reduction efforts in the UK. Stakeholders and interested parties are invited to submit comments on the draft regulations within 60 days of the date of notification.


Some Background

The regulations heave been developed following extensive consultations, which took place in May 2019, March 2021, and July 2023. These consultations incorporated feedback from a range of stakeholders and focused on reforming the UK's packaging producer responsibility system and aligning it with wider environmental objectives.



The UK Government's primary objective is to protect the environment by encouraging better use of resources and reducing waste. The introduction of a single, widely recognised recycling label, will make it easier for consumers to recycle correctly, ultimately supporting the country's environmental objectives.


Scope and Requirements

The new regulations will require businesses to label packaging with either "Recycle" or "Do Not Recycle" next to a specified logo. This requirement will apply to certain categories of businesses, including importers and manufacturers of packaged products in the UK. The intention is to provide clear and consistent recycling information to consumers, thereby improving recycling rates and reducing environmental impact.

  • Products covered: The Regulation covers a wide range of packaging materials including plastics, paper, glass, textiles, ceramics, and metals.

  • Primary and shipment packaging: The labelling requirement applies to both primary packaging (packaging that constitutes a sales unit to consumers) and shipment packaging (additional packaging used for online and mail order sales).

  • Recyclability information: Manufacturers and importers of unfilled packaging for supply to another business must inform the businesses about the recyclability of their packaging to ensure accurate labelling.


Implementation Timeline

The adoption date for this regulation is set for 1 January 2025. The regulation will come into force on 1 April 2027. However, businesses will have the option to comply earlier if they wish. This phased timeline is designed to give businesses sufficient time to adapt to the new requirements and ensure a smooth transition.

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from WTO.
