2024-04-09 Reference source : ECHA
On 9 April 2024 the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced that the new hazard classes in the Classification, Labelling, and Packaging (CLP) Regulation will be included in the IUCLID software. From 29 April 2024, companies will be able to include information on these updated hazard classes in their IUCLID dossiers.
New CLP Hazard Classes
Following the adoption of a Delegated Act by the European Commission amending the CLP Regulation on 20 April 2023, Annex I of the CLP Regulation has been amended. In particular, the hazard class for endocrine disruptors (ED) was divided into two categories:
Category 1: Known or presumed endocrine disruptors for human health.
Category 2: Suspected endocrine disruptors for human health.
In addition, hazard classes were introduced for the following properties:
Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic (PBT)
Very Persistent and very Bioaccumulative (vPvB)
Persistent, Mobile, and Toxic (PMT)
Very Persistent, very Mobile (vPvM)
Labelling of substances under the amended Regulation will be mandatory from 1 May 2025. However, substances placed on the market before this date will not require compliant labelling until 1 November 2026. For mixtures, the corresponding dates are 1 May 2026 and 1 May 2028.
Updated IUCLID Software
This update of the IUCLID software will allow companies to incorporate data related to these hazards when preparing and submitting dossiers to ECHA under the CLP, REACH, and Biocidal Products Regulations.
Different transition periods have been given for substances and mixtures as described above. At the end of these periods, companies are required to indicate the classification of their substances or mixtures according to the new hazard classes when submitting information to ECHA.
While no changes have been made to the completeness check of REACH registrations in relation to the new hazard classes, the IUCLID Validation Assistant will prompt companies to enter this data where available. Additionally, ECHA is updating the dossier preparation manuals to provide guidance on the new IUCLID fields.
Expansion of the ECHA CHEM Database
ECHA's recently launched chemicals database, ECHA CHEM, will be extended in autumn 2024. This extension will include the revised Classification and Labelling Inventory, including the newly introduced hazard classes.
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