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Europe's Path to Climate Neutrality: Parliament Backs Boost for Net-Zero Technology

2024-05-20 Reference source : European Parliament

Built environment Circular economy

On April 23, 2024, the European Parliament took a significant step towards a greener future by adopting the ‘Net-Zero Industry Act’ aimed at enhancing the production of net-zero technologies in Europe. This decision is part of the broader EU strategy to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 and strengthen the continent's industrial base. 

Background and Importance: 

Europe's commitment to climate neutrality by 2050 requires a rapid and sustained increase in the production and deployment of net-zero technologies. The global market for these technologies is expanding, and Europe's proactive stance aims to position the continent as a leader in this critical sector. By adopting these measures, the European Parliament is not only addressing climate change, but also promoting economic growth, job creation and global technological leadership. 

Key Measures Adopted: 

Promotion of Net-Zero Technologies:

The new measures focus on promoting the production of net-zero technologies, including wind turbines, solar panels, batteries and electrolysers. The aim is to increase the EU's share of global production in these sectors, thereby reducing dependence on imports and fostering innovation.

Support for Strategic Projects:

The Parliament's plan includes support for strategic projects that are vital for the development and scaling up of net-zero technologies. This includes financial incentives, streamlined regulatory processes, and increased cooperation between Member States and industry stakeholders.

Boosting Research and Development:

Significant emphasis is placed on boosting research and development in net-zero technologies. This includes increased funding for Research and Development projects, partnerships with academic institutions and the promotion of a collaborative environment for innovation.

Skills and Training:

Recognizing the need for a skilled workforce, the measures include provisions for education and training programs. These programs aim to equip workers with the necessary skills to operate and develop advanced net-zero technologies, ensuring a robust labor market to support the green transition.

Improved Market Conditions:

The measures adopted aim to create favourable market conditions for net-zero technologies. This includes policies to ensure fair competition, support for SMEs in the green tech sector, and initiatives to promote sustainable investment.

Next Steps: 

Following the adoption of these measures by the European Parliament, the focus will shift to their implementation in the Member States. Coordination between national governments, industry stakeholders, and the European Commission will be crucial to achieving the ambitious goals set out in this plan. 

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from European Parliament.
