2023-09-06 Reference source : ECHA
On 6 September 2023, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced that the OECD eChemPortal has been updated with the latest data from ECHA’s database of REACH registrations. The update means that data on more than 1.3 million endpoints for 27,000 substances registered with ECHA under REACH is now available on the OECD eChemPortal.
Content of the update
The update includes information on 186 new substances from ECHA’s REACH registrations database, bringing the total number to 26 673 substance records. In addition 18207 endpoint data sets have been added across all substances, bringing the total number to 1.35 million. The previous update was in December 2022.
OECD eChemPortal
The eChemPortal of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) gives free public access to information on properties of chemicals collected by various worldwide governmental chemical programmes. The portal is hosted by ECHA, and the OECD is responsible for the development and maintenance. The eChemPortal allows users to:
Search reports and datasets simultaneously by chemical name and number, chemical property, and GHS classification.
Access direct links to collections of chemical hazard and risk information prepared for national, regional and international governmental chemical programmes.
Obtain classification results according to national/regional classification schemes or the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), where available.
Access information on exposure and use of chemicals
The OECD eChemPortal can be accessed here.
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