2023-09-01 Reference source : ECHA
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has announced that IUCLID 6 will replace the REACH-IT online dossier preparation functionality. IUCLID 6 is offered via the ECHA Cloud Services (IUCLID Cloud).
In 2024 the following REACH-IT online dossier preparation functionality will be removed:
Downstream user notification of authorised uses
Classification and labelling notifcations
In January 2024 the initial online dossier preparation will be disabled. It will still be possible to update existing online notifications until April 2024. There is no deadline for the transition from the REACH-IT online dossiers to IUCLID dossiers. An update to an existing online dossier from REACH-IT can be prepared by downloading an old dossier from REACH-IT at any time and converting the dossier file to a dataset in IUCLID.
IUCLID (International Uniform Chemical Information Database) is a software application designed to record, store, maintain and exchange data on the intrinsic and hazard properties of chemical substances or mixtures, their uses of these substances and the associated exposure levels. It is a key software application for both regulatory authorities and the chemical industry where it is used in the implementation of various regulatory programmes.
ECHA develops and maintains the IUCLID software and the underlying format in collaboration with the OECD. This collaboration enables the management of the IUCLID format with the aim of harmonising as much as possible the way in which data on chemicals are collected and exchanged in regulatory settings.
IUCLID 6 on ECHA Cloud Services (https://ecs.echa.europa.eu/cloud/home.html) is free of charge and always up to date.
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