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South Korea Regulatory News

South Korea consults on a draft amendment for Designation of Toxic Substances

Apr-26-2023 Hazard assessment K-REACH

The National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) in South Korea is consulting on a draft amendment of Designation of Toxic Substances under the Act on Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals (...

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South Korea consults on a draft amendment for the Regulation on chemical substance classification and labelling

Apr-26-2023 K-REACH Labelling Substance & mixture classification

The National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) in South Korea is consulting on a draft amendment of the Regulation on chemical substance classification and labelling under the Act on Registra...

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South Korea consults on a draft amendment for the Regulation on test methods for chemical substances

Apr-20-2023 Alternatives to testing K-REACH

The National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) in South Korea is consulting on a draft amendment of the Regulation on test methods for chemical substances under the Act on Registration and Ev...

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South Korea provides an update on test methods for determining the shelf life of biocidal products

Apr-17-2023 Biocides Stability testing

The National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) in South Korea plans to evaluate biocidal products for the approval of biocidal substance and biocidal products under the Consumer Chemical Prod...

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South Korea provides a summary for the Approval application documents based on the updates on disinfectant and preservatives for humidifiers

Apr-10-2023 Product testing Test methods

The National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) in South Korea provides a summary for the Approval application documents based on the updates on disinfectant and preservatives for humidifiers ...

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South Korea consults for the draft amendment of the Cosmetic Act

Apr-05-2023 Cosmetic Products Cosmetic Act

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) in South Korea consults for the draft amendment of the Cosmetic Act on March 22nd, 2023. The Cosmetic Act prohibits advertisements that might mislead the pu...

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South Korea updates the Standards for Classification and Labeling of Chemical Substances and Material Safety Data Sheets

Mar-31-2023 Chemical industry MSDS

Ministry of Employment and Labor (MOEL) in South Korea updates the Standards for Classification and Labeling of Chemical Substances and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) on Feb 16th, 2023. This is to...

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