2023-07-14 Reference source : NIER
On 29 June 2023 the Korean National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) announced that the evaluation of the registered biocidal product application is scheduled to be conducted.
In relation to this, NIER posted guidelines for naming biocidal products for the purpose of registration application.
Guidelines for naming biocidal products:
1. The product name should be displayed in Korean on the outer surface of the product, excluding special characters. If Chinese characters or foreign languages are displayed along with Korean, the size of Korean letters should be larger.
2. The product name should be displayed according to the biocidal product name indicated in the approved notification for biocidal products, following the format specified in Annex No. 24 of the enforcement rules. If there are multiple product names, one representative name should be written on one side of the approval notification, and the remaining names should be listed separately.
3. To prevent confusion or the use of exaggerated names that may mislead consumers about the actual effects or potential risks associated with product use, product names should not cause confusion with other products or use exaggerated terminology.
4. The product label should include clear and easily understandable information, including the product name, biocidal product type, biocidal substance (name and composition ratio by weight (%)), expiration date, statements regarding effectiveness, precautions for use, and other relevant information, in order to facilitate product labelling and advertising.
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