The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) releases a new SCIP Candidate List package to align with the inclusion of more substances on the Candidate List. This will help companies to create SCIP notificati...
Read MoreOn July 1, 2022, the European Commission published a guidance document addressing the relationship between the REACH Regulations and the EU sanctions recently imposed under Council Regulations 269/201...
Read MoreOn June 22, 2022, the European Parliament and Council reached an agreement on a proposal by the European Commission to review Annexes IV and V of Regulation (EU) 2019/1021, on persistent organic poll...
Read MoreOn 10 June 2022, the European Commission released a new recommendation updating the definition of nanomaterials that should inform EU legislation on the topic. A deliverable of the EU Chemicals Strate...
Read MoreOn June 22, 2022, the European Parliament adopted its negotiating position on the European Commission’s proposal for a regulation establishing a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). In the...
Read MoreThe European Commission opens consultation till July 8, 2022, on the exemption of hexavalent chromium usage. According to the proposal, the exemption of the use of hexavalent chromium as an anticorros...
Read MoreOn the 15th of June 2022, the European Commission notified its draft decision to not approve methylene dithiocyanate as an existing active substance to be used in biocidal products of product-type 12....
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