GHS Report

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GPC - Global Product Compliance

China revises the national standard on Lip moisturizer gel cream

2023-05-03 Reference source : SAMR

Cosmetic Products Cosmetic Supervision and Administration Regulations (CSAR)

The Standardization Administration of China and State Administration for Market Regulation jointly published the revised version of national standard on Lip moisturizer (gel and cream), GB/T 26513-2023. This revision will replace the previous one of GB/T 26513-2011. 

The new standard covers the following sections. 

  • the definition of a lip moisturiser; 
  • technical terms; 
  • classifications; 
  • product technical requirements; 
  • test methods and testing rules; 
  • labelling and packaging requirements; 
  • transport and storage requirements; and 
  • shelf-life details

Compared to the previous standard, the scope of lip moisturizer was broadened, the classification criteria and label were modified. The new standard is expected to come into force from first April 2024. If you have any questions regarding this standard, you are welcome to contact GPC via

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from SAMR.
