GHS Report

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GPC - Global Product Compliance

Singapore updates its GHS

2023-03-06 Reference source : Singapore

GHS Safety data sheets (SDSs) Substance & mixture classification

Singapore has recently updated its standards for chemical classifications, labelling, and safety data sheets (SDSs) to conform to the seventh version of the UN's Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of chemical classification and labelling. These updates, which took effect on February 6th, are mandatory for companies involved in the manufacture, import, supply, use, or handling of hazardous substances in Singapore.

They are outlined in Singapore Standard (SS) 586 and changes include:

-  increased labelling and training requirements,

-  the addition of a new appendix with guidance on labelling for small containers,

- alignment with GHS requirements for toxicity values,

- revised SDS requirements,

- the addition of a new appendix providing guidance on describing and determining the empirical data of a substance or mixture,

- an updated annex that permits the use of generic and masking names to safeguard confidential business information (CBI).

To read more about Singapore chemical regulation and news related to it, click here:

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from Singapore .
