GHS Report

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China invites suggestion on modification Cosmetic Safety and Technical Guidelines”

2023-03-08 Reference source : NIFDC

Cosmetic Products Cosmetic Supervision and Administration Regulations (CSAR)

National Istitutes for Food and Drug Conrol of China (NIFDC) published notification calling for suggestions on “Cosmetic Safety and Technical Guidelines”. “Cosmetic Safety and Technical Guidelines” is the main cosmetic safety standard under the “Cosmetic Supervision and Administration Regulation” (CSAR). It was published first in 2015 and modified in 2021. It gives information about the requirements and proceudres for cosmetic ingredient and final product test, risk assessment and toxicology test requirements. 

Currently, the modifications made in last year’s draft has been approved. The main changes in last year’s draft were: 

  • Amending the list of ingredients approved and banned for use;
  • Introdcuing more test methods for physical and chemcial inspection, , toxicological test methods and human efficacy test methods; and  
  • Including new requriments for safety assessment report to keep in line with CSAR. 

All stakeholders can submit suggestion before 17 March. If you want to know more information about China cosmetic and chemical compliance, please contact for help. 

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from NIFDC.
