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GPC - Global Product Compliance

The Ministry is Preparing New Measures to Support KKDIK Registrants

2022-11-07 Reference source : Ministry Meeting

Chemical notification/ registration EU REACH KKDIK MOEUCC Technical Dossier

Ministry of Environment, Urbanisation and Climate Change (MoEUCC) in Turkey is planning measures to offer KKDIK registrants an advantage to submit dossiers before December 2023, the registration deadline, since the industry criticized significant issues with data access for an extremely low number of registrations submitted under the REACH-like regulation.

During the meeting held on the 11th of October, 2022 with industry representatives, the Ministry told that it will publish a circular soon to support registrations, alongside revised guidelines on data sharing. Until then, the Ministry has only received 504 lead dossiers which is much lower than expected. Within the scope of KKDIK, the industry forecasts that approximately 10,000 substances will be included. The data problems with KKDIK seem much more severe than those experienced in other countries such as South Korea with K-REACH. Furthermore, registrants might not increase much until the problems with data sharing were solved.  

The challenges with data access range from a general lack of understanding about where and how to acquire information inside the local sector, which is primarily made up of SMEs, to numerous administrative expenditures and costs that many businesses find difficult to deal with. To overcome data-sharing problems, the Ministry said that they would analyze the options to generate data at local labs to improve activity and capacity.

Ministry representatives made it clear that they would not postpone the KKDIK registration deadline, December 2023. On the other hand, it could be considered to set a timeframe for the lead registrant to submit completed dossiers with necessary test data.

As a result, we would recommend to complete the registration processes at the earliest time with new data sharing measures.

To learn more about latest updates, please contact GPC.  

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from Ministry Meeting .
