GHS Report

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GPC - Global Product Compliance

Australia proposes changes to the rules for introduction of low-volume substances

2022-10-06 Reference source : Chemical Watch

Chemical inventory Chemical notification/ registration Product registration/ notification

Until the 11 October 2022 the Australian Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS) is consulting on proposed alterations to the Industrial Chemicals (General) Rules 2019, regarding certain lower risk chemicals when introduced in small quantities (10 kg or less in a registration year).

The AICIS has divided the proposed changes into two parts:

  1. Changes to the record-keeping requirements for listed introductions at 10 kg or less in a registration year.
  2. Changes to categorize introductions of chemicals at 10 kg or less in a registration year as reported.

The proposed changes intend to simplify the record-keeping obligations for manufacturers or importers who might have difficulties getting confidential or commercially sensitive information such as CAS number and name of a chemical from the overseas supplier. Instead, the AICIS would require the introducers of low-volume chemicals to “keep information that they should have or should be able to easily access”.

The proposed changes would mean that introducing volumes of 10 kg or less in a registration year of lower risk substances that meet the eligibility criteria of the AICIS could be categorised as reported.

Chemicals of higher concern, such as carcinogenic, fluorinated or persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic to the environment, would not meet the criteria for these changes.

You can submit your feedback on the proposed changes by 11.59 pm AEDT on the 11 October 2022 on

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from Chemical Watch.
