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GPC - Global Product Compliance

ECHA Publishes Q and A on New Hazard Classes under CLP

2025-03-17 Reference source : ECHA

CLP ECHA Endocrine Disruptors PBT New hazard classes Classification Labelling and Packaging PMT

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published a Q&A document based on its webinar on new hazard classes under the CLP Regulation held on 21 November 2024. The document provides clarifications on the application of new classifications, including endocrine disruptors, PMT/vPvM substances, and revised classification rules.

Stakeholders involved in the classification and labelling of chemicals can refer to the Q&A for further guidance on compliance and implementation. The document is available on the ECHA website here.

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from ECHA.
