GHS Report

News Details

GPC - Global Product Compliance

Decree 57: Notification Non-Industrial Chemicals

2025-02-04 Reference source : Ministerio de Salud

Compliance Decree 57 Chile Industrial Mixtures

The notification period for non-industrial chemical substances under Decree 57 will commence on February 9, 2025. This marks a futher advancement in Chile’s regulatory framework for chemical substances, reinforcing the nation’s commitment to environmental and human health protection.

Companies that manufacture and/or import non-industrial chemical substances in Chile must submit their notifications by August 30, 2025. The process aims to establish a comprehensive database of chemical substances in use, enhancing risk management and regulatory oversight.

Who Must Notify?

Entities handling non-industrial chemical substances including manufacturers and importers are required to submit their  notifications.

What is a Non Industrial Chemical Substance ?

As defined in Decree 57, non-industrial chemicals are considered all substances whose intended use and application do not involve manufacturing activities or production processes. 

Key Dates to Remember:

  • February 9, 2025: Start of the notification period
  • August 30, 2025: Deadline for submission

For further details on the notification process, requirements, and necessary documentation, stakeholders are advised to consult Chile’sDecree 57 here (in Spanish). 



We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from Ministerio de Salud .
