GHS Report

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GPC - Global Product Compliance

Argentina Modifies Lead Content Regulations for Paints and Coatings

2025-03-07 Reference source : MINISTERIO DE SALUD

Latin America Lead Argentina Toxic Substances

The Argentine Ministry of Health has issued Resolution 915/2025, updating existing regulations on lead content in paints, lacquers, and varnishes. The new resolution introduces significant changes aimed at streamlining import procedures while maintaining strict health and safety standards.

The original regulation, established in Resolution 7/2009, prohibited the manufacture, import, commercialization, and free distribution of paints containing more than 0.06% lead by mass in non-volatile content. The latest update replaces and clarifies certain provisions to enhance compliance measures and improve trade facilitation.

Key Updates in Resolution 915/2025:

  1. Pre-Import Declaration Requirement:

    • Importers must now submit a sworn declaration confirming that their products comply with the lead limit before import clearance.
    • This declaration will be sufficient for customs clearance, provided all other import requirements are met.
  2. Post-Market Compliance Checks:

    • The Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI) will be responsible for verifying compliance after importation through market inspections and factory audits.
    • If an infraction is detected, the violator will bear the cost of laboratory testing.
  3. Scope of Prohibition Defined:

    • The restrictions continue to apply to paints used in homes, healthcare facilities, schools, furniture, children’s toys, and playground equipment.
    • Exemptions have been granted to industrial-use paints, including those for automobiles, aircraft, bridges, agricultural equipment, and traffic markings, which will no longer require the sworn declaration.
  4. Labeling Requirements for Lead-Containing Paints:

    • Products that exceed the permitted lead levels must display a mandatory health warning:
      ADVERTENCIA: Este producto contiene plomo. Su ingestión provoca daño a la salud. Producto de uso exclusivo para...” (WARNING: This product contains lead. Ingestion may cause health damage. Product for exclusive use in...)
    • The label must specify the approved applications for the product.
  5. Enhanced Customs Control:

    • The Dirección General de Aduanas (DGA), under the Agencia de Recaudación y Control Aduanero (ARCA), will implement selective import control mechanisms in line with risk assessment protocols.

Impact on the Industry

The resolution is expected to simplify import procedures and remove bureaucratic barriers while ensuring that health risks remain controlled. The regulation also brings clarity to businesses by explicitly defining which products fall under the restriction and ensuring that industrial-use paints are excluded from unnecessary compliance burdens.

Next Steps

Resolution 915/2025 has been formally communicated to the relevant regulatory agencies, including the Customs Authority (DGA) and INTI, which will oversee implementation. The changes take immediate effect following their official publication in Argentina’s Boletín Oficial.

For further details, stakeholders are encouraged to review the full resolution text as published by the Ministry of Health, here (in Spanish).

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from MINISTERIO DE SALUD.
