2025-02-27 Reference source : ECHA
CLP ECHA List Numbers Alphanumeric Format
On 18 February 2025, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced that it will update REACH-IT list numbers from the current numeric format (e.g. 100-000-1) to an alphanumeric format (e.g. A00-001-5) due to limited availability.
New format applies from early summer 2025
Every substance registered or notified under REACH or CLP requires an identifier. If a substance does not have an EC number and has not been previously notified or registered, REACH-IT will assign a new list number.
The new format will retain the original length and will be implemented in early summer 2025. Companies should check the potential impact on their record keeping systems outside REACH-IT. List numbers assigned before the change will not be affected.
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