GHS Report

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GPC - Global Product Compliance

Canada Updates Pest Control Products Regulations for Sodium Hypochlorite and Calcium Hypochlorite

2025-01-08 Reference source : Canada Gazette

Labelling Pesticides Pest control Canada

The Government of Canada has officially amended the Pest Control Products Regulations (SOR/2024-259) under the Pest Control Products Act. Effective from the date of publication in the Canada Gazette, December 9, 2024, these amendments update the labeling requirements for sodium hypochlorite (CAS No 7681-52-9) and calcium hypochlorite (CAS No 7778-54-3) to strengthen public safety measures.


Key Changes in Labeling Requirements

  1. Updated Signal Words:

    • Sodium Hypochlorite: Updated from "Warning - Corrosive" to "Danger - Corrosive to Eyes and Skin".

    • Calcium Hypochlorite: Updated from "Caution - Corrosive" to "Danger - Corrosive to Eyes and Skin".

  2. Revised Precautionary Symbols:

    • Sodium Hypochlorite: Symbol shape changes from diamond to octagon.

    • Calcium Hypochlorite: Symbol shape changes from triangle to octagon.

These changes are consistent with the re-evaluation decision (RVD2023-14) to enhance hazard communication and reduce health risks.


Background and Regulatory Context

Health Canada conducted a comprehensive re-evaluation of sodium hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite in June 2021. The findings emphasized the need for updated labels to reflect the higher level of risk associated with these chemicals. This decision followed 62 reports of incidents involving humans and domestic animals.

The Pest Control Products Act mandates pre-and post-market evaluations to assess environmental and human health risks. The updated regulations ensure consistency between product labels and scientific standards.


Consultation and Stakeholder Feedback

A public consultation was conducted between December 14, 2022 and March 14, 2023. Feedback primarily highlighted the effectiveness of these chemicals in pool and sanitation applications. No changes to the proposed amendments were required based on stakeholder input.


Objectives of the Amendments

  • Improve clarity and consistency in hazard communication.

  • Align regulations with the results of the re-evaluation.

  • Reduce confusion among stakeholders regarding labeling standards.

  • Enhance user safety by specifying body parts at risk.


Impact Assessment

  • Environmental Impact: No significant environmental impacts identified.

  • Economic Impact: No additional costs for stakeholders as label updates were already mandated by the re-evaluation decisions.

  • Small Business Impact: No significant impact on Canadian small businesses.

  • Gender and Diversity Impact: No disproportionate impact identified.


International Alignment

The amendments bring Canada’s labeling standards closer to those of the United States, the European Union and Australia. While minor differences remain, these differences are not expected to have a significant impact on trade.


Implementation and Compliance

The amendments take effect immediately upon registration. Stakeholders must comply with the updated labeling standards outlined in RVD2023-14.



These regulatory amendments underscore Canada’s commitment to public health and safety. By aligning labels with current scientific standards, they that ensure users are better informed about potential hazards and promote the safe handling and use of sodium hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite products.

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from Canada Gazette.
