GHS Report

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GPC - Global Product Compliance

China Issues New Chemical Classification and Labelling Standards in Line with GHS 8

2024-08-08 Reference source : State Administration for Market Regulation and National Standardization Administration Committee

GHS update China

On 24 July 2024, GB 30000.1-2024 "Specification for Classification and Labelling of Chemicals—Part 1: General Rules" was officially published on the National Public Service Platform for Standards Information. This updated standard, which aligns with the eighth revised edition of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS 8), will come into force on 1 August 2025 and will replace the existing GB 13690-2009 "General Rules for the Classification and Hazard Communication of Chemicals."


Draft Release and Public Consultation

On 12 March 2024, China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) released a draft of the revised standard GB 30000.1. This update aims to align China's chemical classification and labelling standards with the UN's GHS 8. Public comments on this draft were invited until 12 April 2024.


Key updates to GB 30000.1

The revised GB 30000.1 introduces significant updates and new categories:

  • Terminology and Definitions: Consistency with GHS 8 ensures clear, internationally recognized terminology.

  • Hazard Classification: Adds a new category for desensitized explosives, bringing the total number of hazard classes in China to 29.

  • Labeling Requirements: Special provisions are made for labeling, particularly for metals and alloys in non-dispersible forms. GHS labels must be used in workplaces, with alternative methods like area-specific labels allowed.

  • Safety Data Sheets (SDS): Updated SDS requirements include detailed hazard communication guidelines and cut-off values for different hazard categories.



Certain products, such as pharmaceuticals, food additives, cosmetics, and pesticide residues in food intended for ingestion, are exempt from these labeling requirements unless workers are likely to be exposed during transport.


Implementation and Compliance

The revised GB 30000.1 will replace the existing GB 13690-2009 standard. Once adopted, it will better align China's chemical safety standards with international practices, improve hazard communication and ensure safer handling and transportation of chemicals within China and in international trade.

The adoption of GB 30000.1 is a significant step in enhancing chemical safety and regulatory compliance in China. By aligning with the UN GHS 8, China is demonstrating its commitment to global safety standards, facilitating smoother international trade and improving overall chemical safety management.


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We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from State Administration for Market Regulation and National Standardization Administration Committee .
