GHS Report

News Details

GPC - Global Product Compliance

Taiwan Implements Stricter Regulations on Hazardous Chemicals

2024-06-18 Reference source : Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Amendment cancerogenic Hazardous chemicals Regulation

Effective June 6, 2024, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) under the Ministry of Labour  in Taiwan has implemented amendments to the "Regulations for Governing Designating and Handling of Priority Management Chemicals." These revisions aim to further develop the safety protocols and management practices for hazardous chemicals in workplaces, focusing on strict reporting requirements to improve safety measures to protect workers’ health and the environment.


Key Changes to the Regulations

The revised regulations prioritise the management of hazardous chemicals. These include carcinogens, mutagens, reproductive toxicants, respiratory sensitizers, substances causing serious eye damage and specific target organ toxicants (STOT). These classifications follow national standards (CNS 15030).


Reporting Requirements

Operators must submit detailed reports to the Central Authority. There are three types of reporting.

  • Initial Reporting: Submit comprehensive details about operations, including chemical quantities and handling practices, including any changes in operations.

  • Periodic Reporting: Provide annual updates on the use and management of chemicals.

  • Dynamic Reporting: Report any significant changes in chemical quantities within 30 days of the change to ensure data is kept up to date.


Enforcement and Penalties

The amendments impose strict penalties for non-compliance, including fines for false information, failure to report or errors in submissions. Products that are exempted from the updated priority manager measure are industrial waste, tobacco, food, beverages, medicines, cosmetics, finished products, fire extinguishers and consumer goods for non-industrial use.


Safety Measures

Operators are required to maintain accurate records and follow strict safety measures when handling hazardous chemicals. By enforcing stricter reporting requirements and improving safety protocols, the Ministry of Labour aims to reduce the risks associated with hazardous chemicals to protect workers and the environment.



The updated regulations highlight the government's dedication to maintain high workplace safety standards by imposing a stricter chemical management system.

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
