GHS Report

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GPC - Global Product Compliance

South Korea opens public consultation on partial amendment of the Notice of Designation of Toxic Substances.

2024-06-04 Reference source : NICS

Amendment Chemical industry South Korea Toxic substances

On May 30, 2024, the National Institute of Chemical Safety (NICS) in South Korea issued an administrative notice regarding the partial revision of the Notice of Designation of Toxic Substances. Here are the key details: 


  1. Reasons for Revision: 

  • The revision is in accordance with the Act on the Registration and Evaluation of Chemical Substances (K-REACH). 

  • The goal is to designate highly hazardous substances as new toxic substances. 


  1. Key Details: 

  • Hazard assessments were conducted on new and existing chemicals under the Act on the Registration and Evaluation of Chemical Substances. 

  • Eleven substances were added (columns “2024-1-1213” to “2024-1-1223”). 

  • These substances meet the criteria for toxic designation: 

  • Acute oral toxicity (Category A): 2024-1-1214, 2024-1-11219, and 2024-1-11223. 

  • Strong acute inhalation toxicity (Category C): 2024-1-1213, 2024-1-11215, 2024-11216, 2024-1-221, and 2024-1-1-1222. 

  • Highly corrosive (Category D): 2024-1-1217, 2024-1-1218, and 2024-1-1220. 

  • Refer to the detailed value results in the Result of Hazard Assessment of Chemical Substances. 


  1. Revisions and CAS Numbers: 

  • KE numbers “2017-1-762” and “2022-1-1095” require additional CAS numbers. 

  • Specify CAS numbers for sub-isomers of existing and new chemicals corresponding to toxic substances. 


  1. Transitional Measures: 

  • Provide deadlines for implementing obligations under the Chemical Substances Control Act for handling newly designated toxic substances. 


  1. Submission of Comments: 

  • Individuals, institutions, and organizations can submit opinions by June 19, 2024. 

  • Include opinions, name (or organization), address, and phone number. 

  • The full amendment is available on the National Institute of Chemical Safety's website. 

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from NICS.
