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Canada's Landmark Bill C-226 Paves the Way for Environmental Justice and Combats Environmental Racism

2024-06-27 Reference source : Government of Canada

CEPA Environment North America

On June 21, 2024, in Gatineau, Quebec, the Government of Canada marked a significant milestone in its pursuit of environmental justice with the Royal Assent of Bill C-226 - An Act Respecting the Development of a National Strategy to Assess, Prevent and Address Environmental Racism and to Advance Environmental Justice. This legislation represents the government’s commitment to addressing the intertwined issues of race, socio-economic status and environmental risk.


Government Commitment

The Government of Canada’s support for Bill C-226 underscores its commitment to eliminating racial discrimination and promoting a healthier, cleaner and more sustainable environment for all Canadians The Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, praised the legislation as a critical step towards breaking the cycle and eliminating environmental racism.


Details of the Bill

Bill C-226 mandates the development, within two years, of a national strategy to coordinate national efforts to address and prevent environmental racism and promote environmental justice. This strategy may propose amendments to existing federal laws, policies and programs and will be reviewed every five years.


Public Engagement and Resources

To promote public engagement and transparency, the government has launched the Advancing Environmental Equity online platform. This resource provides Canadians with insights into ongoing initiatives, enabling them to contribute to the development of the national strategy and keeping them informed about environmental justice issues.


Voices of Advocacy

The passage of Bill C-226 was met with widespread acclaim, particularly from those who have witnessed first-hand the harmful effects of environmental injustices. MP Elizabeth May expressed gratitude towards the advocates and community leaders whose tireless efforts have brought this critical issue to the forefront. Lenore Zann celebrated this legislative achievement as a redress for past injustices and emphasized that no Canadian should be disproportionately exposed to environmental hazards.


Supporting Legislation and Future Steps

The bill complements amendments to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA), which now formally recognizes the right to a healthy environment as a human right. Looking ahead, the government is working on an implementation framework for these rights, with a draft expected in the fall of 2024.



The Royal Assent of Bill C-226 represents a transformative development in Canadian environmental policy. By addressing the deeply rooted issue of environmental racism, Canada is setting a precedent for integrating justice into environmental governance and ensuring that all communities have a voice in shaping policies that affect their lives and environment.

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from Government of Canada.
