GHS Report

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GPC - Global Product Compliance

Mexico: Amendments to the Regulations of the CICOPLAFEST Agreement

2024-04-01 Reference source : DOB Mexico

Latin America Pesticides

On March 14, 2024, the "Agreement amending the previous one that establishes the goods whose import and export are subject to regulation by the agencies that make up the Intersecretarial Commission for the Control of the Process and Use of Pesticides, Fertilizers and Toxic Substances" was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation. This reform will come into force 30 calendar days after its publication. 

The main modifications and additions focus on articles Two and  Eight, and Annexes I and II, highlighting the following points: 

I. Definitions (Article Two): 

  • The acronym for PROFEPA (Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection) is added. 

  • The description of "Regulation" is modified to add the reference to the "Verification Registry," in addition to the authorization and permit already mentioned. 

II. Goods subject to verification (Article Eight): 

  • The requirement of verification and compliance with PROFEFA's verification registry is added for goods listed in Annex I. 

  • Interested parties in regulated goods must prove compliance at entry and exit points of the country, attaching the digital or electronic document to the customs declaration. 

III. Goods subject to compliance with CICOPLAFEST (Annex I): 

  • The homoclave PROFEPA-03-004-D is added to Annex I for goods subject to compliance with the verification registry. 

  • The number of tariff items included for each type of goods is specified, including pesticides, toxic substances, fertilizers, and plant nutrients. 

IV. Procedure for the export of substances mentioned in Article Four (Annex II): 

  • It is clarified that goods not listed in Annex I, Section d), will be subject to export authorization. 

These modifications represent an important step in strengthening the regulation and control of pesticides, fertilizers, and toxic substances, thus ensuring environmental protection and public health in Mexico. 

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from DOB Mexico.
