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GPC - Global Product Compliance

South Korea notifies WTO of draft partial amendment to the Enforcement Decree of the Act on Registration and Evaluation of Chemical Substances.

2024-05-28 Reference source : WTO

Amendment K-REACH New substances South Korea

On May 23, 2024, the South Korean Ministry of Environment (MoE) notified the World Trade Organization (WTO) of a draft partial amendment to the Enforcement Decree of the Act on Registration and Evaluation of Chemical Substances. The amendment covers non-phase-in substances, and it aims to reduce trade barriers and facilitate trade.

Public Consultation and Enforcement Timeline

The amendment will be open for comments for 60 days from the date of notification. The proposed date for adaptation and enforcement of the amendment is January 1, 2025.

Key Content of the Amendment

The partial amendment includes the following:

A. Revised clauses related to the registration criteria of new substances amended by Article 10(1) of the Act on Registration and Evaluation of Chemical Substances (hereinafter referred to as "the Act") (Article 10(3), Article 13)

  1. A chemical substance subject to registration pursuant to Article 10(5) of the Act will be designated for registration and publicly announced if its annual manufacture or import quantity nationwide is equal to or more than 10 tonnes per year.
  2. Among the chemical substances subject to registration pursuant to Article 10(5) of the Act, the data requirements of new substance may be waived if its annual manufacturing or importing amount is less than 100 kg per year.

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from WTO.
