GHS Report

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Companies can receive registration completion code after submitting the first even information items


Standard Registration

In June, Taiwan’s EPA published official guidance on how to prepare a standard registration dossier for the first list of 106 Priority Existing Substances (PECs). Companies are required to submit nine information items to the authorities. Because of the impact of COVID 19, the EPA is allowing companies to submit the first seven information items while leaving the item number eight and nice (hazard assessment and exposure assessment, which are generally taking most of the time for preparation) for later submission. Companies will receive a registration completion code after submitting the first seven items.


Standard Pecs registration – information items  

  1. basic information on substance identification and the registrant;
  2. substances manufacture and use information, exposure information;
  3. GHS hazard classification;
  4. safe use information;
  5. physical and chemical properties;
  6. toxicological information;
  7. ecotoxicological information;
  8. a hazard assessment report; and
  9. an exposure assessment report.

