GHS Report

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Manufacturers, Importers and non-Taiwanese Manufacturer to submit annual Report prior to 30th Sep. 2020


Annual declaration chemical notification/registration third party representative

On March 11, 2019, Taiwan’s EPA published the amended regulation on New and Existing Chemical Substances, specifying Standard Registration for 106 existing chemical substances. From 1 January 2020, manufacturers or importers who manufacture or import any Existing Chemical Substance in an annual amount of 100 kilograms or more, should apply for the Phase One Registration within 6 months from the date of manufacture/import. The amendment also includes a requirement of annual reporting. Annual reporting requires importers/manufacturers to report the volume of manufacture or importation of registered new and existing substances from the previous calendar year between 1st April and 30th September. Information for annual reporting include: 

  • Substance name
  • CAS No.
  • Registration number for each substance
  • Volume in the previous year
  • Importer or manufacturer

Non-Taiwanese manufacturers for business reasons that want to maintain the confidentiality of its product compositions and do not want to share with their Taiwanese clients (importers), may ask the importers to nominate a Third Party Representative (TPR) who can prepare and submit the annual reporting without having to revel the composition details of the product. Reporting is required to be submitted separately for each importer. GPC Regulatory – provides these services and you may contact us on for the TPR services.

In addition, GPC Regulatory can support you to comply with various aspects of TCCSCA such as Phase-One Registration(s), Priority Existing Chemicals (PEC) registration(s) and new substance registration(s) and submitting them as a your TPR. 

